Wednesday, December 15, 2010

English Class

English class was completely pointless today. We somehow stupidly got on the conversation of evolution vs. creationism. Well, naturally, only a few people were talking and agreeing with one side or the other. I believe in evolution, TO AN EXTENT. I don't believe that we came from monkeys, whether there is 'proof' or not, there are obviously other ways to look at things.

First off, Christians aren't the assholes. Who made up the theory of purgatory and all of that bullshit? Catholics. I consider myself a Protestant/Conservative. I don't believe in purgatory or most of the bullshit that Catholics tend to get off on. So don't say that the Christians are making things up.

Second, who's to say that God didn't create Adam and Eve? What if...(now here's my theory)... What if God CREATED EVOLUTION and MADE little molecules that were on Earth, form into people and animals? You know how microscopic pairs can split into two or more? Well, who's to say that Adam, God's evolutionary creation, didn't split into two...forming Eve...? When amoeba's split, they aren't necessarily identical. Thus, creating a new sex of the human race, and the possibility to breed with no longer having the need to reproduce asexually.

Think about it.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't you learning ENGLISH in this class?


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